
Share Power BI securely with external users and grow your business

Automate workflows, collaborate effectively and maintain governance. All in one place. Integrated with the technologies you already use.

Share Power BI externally and get overview, all in one place


Publish and share reports with your customers and partners from one single, unified web app. Embed your customer-facing reports, separated by customer and users, and keep your data secure.

Share securely outside the organisation 

Make your governance easier by automating repeated tasks. Automate sharing and make time for growing your customers and your business.


Securely share published Power BI reports outside your organisation.


Make your business units play nice together, automatically.


Get your app the way you want it, as if build by you, from scratch.

Grow your customers and business safely, with secure and automated sharing in Power BI.

1, 2, 3 and you’re going


Jaysight on your environment, according to your Azure AD, so that your IT policies are complied with, always.


Your dashboards in Power BI.  Apply permissions to people and organisations outside of yours.


Now your business can easily share reports with externally. Get an overview of permissions, consumption, and interaction.

See how you can share Power BI reports outside your organisation, safe and secure

Report the essentials

Publish reports easily into Jaysight. Share seamlessly with your customers. Govern everything with your active directory, in one single place.


Grant secure access

Reduce human errors by providing simpel and secure login connected to your customer’s own business account via Azure AD B2B.

Reduce distractions

Peel off the Power BI skin and reduce total cost of ownership by providing just the essential dashboards and reports.


Strengthen the story telling

Provide just what your customer needs and add additional context to your reporting. 

Automate workflows

Get your time back without compromising agility. Jaysight takes care of the boring background tasks.


Flexible customization

Get your identity back and strengthen your own stoyr. Jaysight gives you flexible and customized reporting.

Enterprise control

Control access to your reports and dashboards and reduce total cost of IT governance.

Maintain compliance, reduce support time and get


Fewer mistakes


Faster sharing

Get better synergies and flow in your business, with your customers.